January 18, 2012

SOPA - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing...again

We all know that the corrupt politicians will tell you that "this is to protect illegal copies of music, movies and TV shows", but what is the hidden agenda?  This is one of Hollywood's brainstorms trying to stop piracy but as usual, goes too far.  The provisions in this bill could require Internet providers to monitor customer's traffic and block Web sites suspected of copyright infringement.  Once reported,  in 5 days the government could shut you down - even if you are innocent!  So in other words, whatever you do on the internet would be monitored by someone....to protect copyrighted material, of course.  Forget about your individual privacy and free speech rights.  The potential for abuse is very big - if the government decides any part of a site infringes on copyright and proves it in court - guess what - your site is gone and you can't get it back. 

This is yet another government power grab to regulate free speech - wolf in sheep's clothing -  the government once again lying to the public and having a hidden agenda and the knife in American Citizens backs.  Look around your house and you can see the effects of government regulations - light bulbs, medications, your paycheck, healthcare, medications, food and the list goes on!  What's to stop them there?  Today it could be protecting copyrighted material, tomorrow it could be "hate speech" .... could this model lead the US to censorship like China?  

Despite what Chris "countrywide" Dodd says, having blackouts today is not a "publicity stunt".  We all know his involvement, along with Barney Franks, in the destruction of the housing market and their involvement with Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, so anything these politicians have to say is irrelevant.  This is a real threat for more government intervention in your life.

I'm glad that Eric Cantor put this on hold for now.  People need to keep sending emails to Congress to effectively "kill" this bill. 

Some stories on the subject.

Keep the emails coming to Congress and do not let up!

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