If you paid attention to the debates, it was clear who the leader was in all the debates. The man who explained to the American people the truth about what was happening in our economy instead of blaming others for his job performance. It was the man who gave answers and not excuses. It was the man who maintained control and respect instead of narcissistic interruptions and childish behavior. It was the man who actually answered the questions instead of double talking his way around the issue. It was the man who has a vision for the future and a successful record instead of the man who wants to push the economy "forward" and right off the cliff.
When making your decision on November 6, think of these things when you are standing in the voting booth:
- Unemployment over 8% for 3 years - 5.8% when Bush left office
- Food Stamps - 23 million in 2008 - 47 million in 2012
- Median Incomes down by $3,200 per year
- What are home values today as opposed to four years ago and how many people have lost their homes?
- 10 Trillion national deficit in 2008 - now it is16 Trillion
- Forced socialized medical care - whether you want it or not OBAMACARE
- Gas prices in 2008 were $1.87 - now over $4.00
- The government's role in everyone's life - current administration wants MORE government intervention - his opponent wants LESS - what do you want?
Where do the candidates stand on issues? What are their ethics, competence, trustworthiness and ability?
A president should be not chosen by their skin color or party affiliation. The President of the United States should be chose based on experience, ability, moral character and judgment.
You can't rely on the main stream media for getting the truth because they have shown themselves to be immortal and have double standards for democrats and republicans. It was very obvious during the debates the assistance the moderators gave to POTUS and his blatant mistakes of facts throughout the debates.
Here are some things to consider:
GAS PRICES: Obama 2008 ads on gas prices - why isn't the main stream media and the democrats in office going after Obama like they did Bush? Double standards.
Ads Focused on Gas Prices
Nancy Pelosi on Bush and gas prices in 2008
UNEMPLOYMENT: In 2008, Obama claimed that McCain's/republicans policies were losing jobs - IN HIS OWN WORDS - funny, how many have been lost since POTUS put his policies into affect and wants to continue the same policies over the next four years. What is the true level of unemployment if you take out POTUS' fuzzy math?
Government Data on Unemployment
WELFARE & FOOD STAMPS: Because of the loss of jobs, I guess people have no choice but to seek government assistance - exactly the plan of this administration for more voters and to get re-elected so they can further their socialist agenda.
Welfare Statistics
Unbelievable Food Stamp Statistics America
The Cost of Welfare Programs over the Next 10 years
And let's not forget the FREE CELL PHONES and FREE HIGH SPEED INTERNET that can be purchased with a FOOD STAMP CARD:
Free government Cell Phones
Food Stamp Ads
Cato Research Information
He must have signed this one into law from the golf course:
Free Cell Phone & Internet from Food Stamps
The list is endless about the current administration. His opponent doesn't promote any of these things. His opponent believes that if you remove obstacles from small business and corporations, they will create more jobs and get the economy working again. You can't jump-start an economy by STEALING more money from PRODUCERS to give to SLACKERS. Eventually, you run out of other people's money and producers will ask themselves why should they work when the government confiscates their money to give to someone who can buy lobster and fillet Mignon on food stamps when they can only buy fish and ground beef? They ask themselves why should they pay for a cell phone when one is given to people whose only job is to put new batteries in their remote for their TV?
Don't take my work on any of this - do your own research and decide for yourself. Facts don't lie but many politicians do and its our job as citizens to call them out on their lies and vote them out.
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