January 13, 2011

"Truth is no one knows what triggered attack."

From President Obama's speech 1/12/11:  "Truth is no one knows what triggered attack."

This statement is absolutely correct.  Since the horrific shootings on Saturday, January 8, 2011, the left wing mainstream media has suggested that this mentally ill murderer was inspired by the rhetoric of Governor Palin and/or the tea party.  The left wing media is using an unrelated tragedy for political gain as well as some politicians in Washington, D.C.

This is the idiot that led the charge and he should be investigated:

Here are examples of talking points about this tragedy from the left wing media:

The only civil discourse in this country is brought about by the likes of extreme leftists who have nothing but hate for those who disagree with them and try to silence them by spewing their lies and rhetoric.

Let it be known that gun toting bible beaters are NOT going away.  Liberalism is a form of mental illness itself and those of us who choose not to follow the cult of liberalism WILL NOT be silenced...there is still freedom of speech and we will not compromise our morals and beliefs to "get along" with those who would openly destroy our country and constitution and "transform" our country into a third world toilet.

We should be focused on the victims and their families AND the heroes of this shooting and not waste our time with leftist lies and propaganda.

God Bless the Rep. Gifford and her family and hoping for a speedy recovery, the beautiful 9 year old Christina Green and her family and the other victims and family of this heart-breaking tragedy.

God Bless all the heroes at the scene of the shooting and all the medical personnel who have helped with the victims.

God Bless America!

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