December 3, 2010

Unemployment Benefits & Food Stamps didn't produce many jobs in November!

Despite the promises of the liberal left to make things better and undo the damage of GWB, this is what they have created for Americans..9.8% unemployment rate and only 59,000 jobs added for November...I believe these numbers are NOT accurate because they only include people who actually FILED...they do NOT include those who have stopped looking or whose benefits have run out.  The individual states report higher numbers closer to 17% unemployment.  We may never know the truth because the current administration does not want the taxpayers to know that their failed policies are not creating jobs....they are destroying them. 

I guess we all need to go on unemployment and food stamps to stimulate the economy and create jobs!

This is the one of the many idiotic statements coming from an elected official:

People seem to forget that it is Congress who controls the purse strings of this country and not the president, although he can control it somewhat with the veto pen, but since 2007, it has been under DEMOCRAT control and GWB's biggest mistake was to try to "compromise" with tax and spend liberals.  Are you paying attention Republicans?  No compromising of morals and values to appease the liberal left who are hell bent on spending the United States into obliviation!!!

Thankfully, the American people have seen through the lies of the current administration and congress and WE CLEANED HOUSE OF THE DEBRIS in November.

So go ahead RINO's and liberal democrats...keep passing these job killing bills and socialist policies and we will see that you get a pink slip in 2012.  No one believes your Saul Alinsky lies anymore.

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