Sanitary napkins can hide bombs!
Touching my pregnant wife's breasts
TSA can't lie about this!
Breast Milk....the new ingredient for bombs!
More horror stories
Supposedly the airports ran smoothly --- no backups --- I wonder when MSM will tell us the truth about how many people opted NOT to fly and how badly the airlines are being hurt by these socialistic policies.
I also saw on the news that trains and buses were FULL....hmmm....could it be that people didn't want to go through a peep show scanner or get felt up by a TSA rent a thug who by the way has reached out and touched hundreds of people with the same filthy gloves.
Go ahead sheeple, these socialistic policies tell you what health care you can have and will jail you if you don't pay up, over half of your earnings are confiscated so your elected officials can have private jets and take monthly vacations, they tell you what you can eat, tell you what cars to drive and now it is a privilege to get groped and looked at without your clothes. Oh thank you for keeping us safe and taking away our 4th and 10th amendment rights all for the safety and good of the public!
Upcoming votes that the socialists hope to shove down your throat or pass in the dead of night so you don't know: illegals getting amnesty and taking your job and voting for a democrat (Dream Act -- MORE OF A NIGHTMARE FOR TAXPAYERS), government controlling the Internet and deciding what you can look at (net neutrality -- another stepping stone to stealing more freedom) and let's not forget the misnamed Food Safety Act (authorizes the FDA to tell the farmers how to grow crops). The government can sugar coat these upcoming items for vote with a slick name but to you blind and lazy Americans, READ THE FREAKING BILLS before you decide to call people liars....I bet you still don't know what is in the Nazi health care bill! Just like NO ABORTION would be paid for in the health care bill....another the fine print.
What will it be next Comrades?
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